6th Meeting

The 6th semi-annual meeting of LoCAL Project will take place on 7th – 8th of March 2017 in University of Oviedo. On the first day of the meeting is planned to discuss the progress of work undertaken within all project tasks. The second day of the meeting will be devoted to discussion of formal issues related to reporting period for 2016, and will also cover issues related to the preparation of the final report and the final conference closing the project LoCAL.

Meeting agenda

Nottingham workshop

Nottingham workshop - Nottingham Trent University 20.10.2016.

During workshop in Nottingham GIG team presented first fully operational draft of interactive tool for investors resulting from tasks 3.1 and 3.4. After presentation and multimedia show, how the tool works, GIG team started discussion about possible directions for upgrading the tool. Gathered feedback was used for preparing second version of tool.



After 5th meeting

The 5th semi-annual meeting of LoCAL Project took place on 7th – 8th of September 2016 in University of Glasgow. Presentations from workshops can be downloaded below.

Presentations 5th meeting

Minutes from meeting

20160907 163418

20160907 182730

20160908 093458


5th meeting

The 5th semi-annual meeting of LoCAL Project will take place on 7th – 8th of September 2016 in University of Glasgow. The first day is scheduled mostly for a workshop on Task 1.2: concerning mostly results of isotope analysis in UK, Spain and Poland, as well as results of monitoring in Spain, Poland and UK, and joint work on the interpretation of monitoring results in all countries. Agenda of the meeting together with location maps and tips how to get there can be found below.

5th meeting agenda

After 4th meeting

The 4th semi-annual meeting of LoCAL Project took place on 6th -7th of April 2016 in Central Mining Institute in Katowice (Poland). Agenda of the meeting and presentations from workshops can be downloaded below.



On second day of the meeting, besides of workshop itself, the visit on pilot site in Bytom (managed by Armada Development S.A.) took place. Below you can see some pictures from the pilot site and our visit there.

IMG 0097IMG 0119IMG 0144IMG 0160



4th Meeting

The 4th semi-annual meeting of LoCAL Project will take place on 6th -7th of April 2016 in Central Mining Institute in Katowice (Poland). On second day of the meeting the visit on pilot site in Bytom (managed by Armada Development S.A.) is planned.

Meeting's agenda

Localization of the venue